Weekend Full Of Waiting

Thursday when Colby woke up from her nap she was feeling pretty hot and once I checked her I found out she had a 101 degree temperature.  It went down with Tylenol for the rest of the afternoon but returned just before bed at 103.  She woke up again on Friday with another temp but it went away once giving her medicine as well.

I’m not quite sure how it happened but my guess is it happened at preschool.  Brady’s little classmates just love Colby.  They fawn over her whenever they see her.  Although I let the teachers hold her, I try to discourage the other kids from touching her face or hands.  Unfortunately while I was holding Colby and packing up the stuff in Brady’s cubby on Tuesday, one of Brady’s friends managed to give Colby a kiss on the mouth.  The same little girl was out sick on Thursday – ugh.  We can’t exactly live in a bubble so it is what it is.

10 days of amoxocillin and ear infection number two all before Colby turns a year old.  Oh and the teething doesn’t seem to end.  She already has seven teeth and is drooling and chewing on everything.  Poor baby!


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